Friday, February 6, 2009

Senator thinks the arts are a waste? TAKE ACTION

from the astute Thomas Cott of You've Cott Mail (the #1 go to guy in the arts!)


E-mail your Senator this morning
Posted on, 2/5/09

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) has introduced an amendment to the $800+ billion stimulus package before Congress that would deny any "community park, museum, theater," or "arts center" from receiving any money to use for "renovation, remodeling, construction, salaries, furniture" or "rotating pastel lights" among other items. If this amendment passed, theaters and arts organizations could expect to receive no money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009. The amendment was introduced before Congress Feb. 3 and is still being considered. An aide at Senator Coburn's office in Washington D.C. did not know the status of the amendment when reached for comment shortly after Noon (PST) on Thursday, Feb. 5, so it has not passed as of then. In order to defend art's place in our nation's policy and defeat the amendment, the American Arts Alliance has set up an action page with a sample letter voters can use to write their Senators and voice their disapproval.

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tokyo-on-the-hudson said...
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