Monday, December 15, 2008

Obama and music and CSAs?

Music plus education plus outreach plus a living wage plus healthcare = I LOVE BARACK OBAMA AND MUSICIANCORPS! Click here to read about MusicianCorps leader Kiff Gallagher's sassy idea to build the arts. Can dance and theater artists and writers get on board? Who is going to the big Inauguration? me me and me.

Also, Community Supported Agriculture is a working model that is sustainable, ethical, delicious and community-building. I love it. Maybe even more than the Park Slope Food Coop :-) One of The Field's ERPA artists, Jon Stancato, is planning a CSA for his theater company, Stolen Chair. I just heard from Bryan Moyer Suderman that he does a CSA for music in Canada.

The personal is political. You are what you eat. I yam what I yam. Happy Monday!

1 comment:

W. Kerry Huang said...

Hi Jennifer, always a pleasure to read your entries! I have a question about this CSA for art model: what exactly is the difference between that and buying a season subscription? Essentially, aren't you paying for a set of goods based on a certain amount of cash you give?